Great Expectations
Happy New Year everyone! We expect 2020 to be a great year for ScaleBirds LiteFighters and our Verner Motor dealership. We took advantage of holiday extended time off from the day job to get a lot done on the P-36 prototype. The ScaleBirds crew helped out a lot during the holiday break and we had them forming ribs, finishing the spars, forming the leading edge skins, fabricating the wing build fixture, and then drilling and deburring a lot of holes. We worked straight-out except for a few holiday parties and events. As of today - January 1, 2020, we are 90% done with the right outboard wing panel and all the parts for the left panel. We will have about 2 weeks into building the right panel and I hope about a week to do the left side. The second one always goes much faster. Figure everything out with the first and just assemble the second.
November saw us making slow and steady progress on the prototype. We worked on designing and making foam shapes for some of the fairings. Then, our good friend Rob Walty turned into beautiful composite parts which need hardly any finish work. We finalize the design of the oil and fuel tanks and cut parts. The oil tank is finished now and ready to install. We finished the design of the ailerons and converted everything over to 2D part files.
We were just about to start the wing build at Thanksgiving - when we decided that we needed to renovate the 2 car garage into a work space for the winter. This is hopefully going to make it more efficient to work on the whole project. Having all the parts and tools at my home facility instead of some here and some at the hanger, will allow work on multiple fronts and also prevent a lot of weather delays in Jan, Feb and March. So the last week of November and the first three of December were spent working on wiring, insulating, drywall, lighting, sheathing and siding my garage along with new windows, new doors, new garage doors. I now have a 9 ft ceiling and all LED lighting - very bright. We made provision for future propane heat but for now are using a portable propane heater. Works awesome with all the new insulation.
This also meant clearing out the garage of a lot of things I had stored in there. Well we completely filled a 20 yd. dumpster with the construction debris and unneeded household and shop items. I thought a 10 yard dumpster was almost big enough but opted for the larger one - glad I did! I highly recommend de-cluttering your shop/work space. Just do it!
January should entail finishing the wings and building the ailerons. More composite parts will be coming along. We will be assembling the fuel tanks and then installing them. Any down time will be filled with working on finishing touches on the airframe, instruments, controls, avionics. Stay tuned! Will post more often and more images and some video when it starts looking like something.
As I look back on 2019, we had some amazing events, adventures and experiences. We had tremendous Sun N Fun and AirVenture shows. We met some amazing people and gained new customers. We had fun with our current customers and are very thankful for them. We also had the tragedy of the 909 crash and some rough personal events. I am ready for a new year. A Great year! Come-on 2020!