Getting Excited!
Over due for an update. The flaps are installed and working properly. Putting final touches and final hardware on all the joints (ie: drilled bolts and castle nuts, proper length bolts, etc…). We have approx 40 degrees of travel. We still have some fairings to modify and re-install. The landing gear parts are all made. The upper legs are at the welder. The modifications are going to turn the existing legs into oleo type shock absorber struts. Oil and air dampened. The lower gears legs are made and being fitted to the axle mount elbows (ankles??). So some paint on the legs after we get them back from the welder and the legs can be assembled and tested over the next week. Once everything is the way we want it, installation will be quick. Then, our attention will move to the engine and prop. Cylinder head baffles and engine runs. Pull testing and oil cooler modifications. The cowl nose bowl inlets will be modified to put more air on the heads. That will hopefully work well and not really be seen.
The modifications have taken us a lot longer than planned. Most of that is due to several delays that have occurred. Going to Sun N Fun last minute was a big schedule buster. Had to do it for Verner Motor’s sake, they are very good to us. All our crew were busy in May, so I was fumbling along by myself - when I could be. I had a rough month in May with a cricked neck for a week and then a week of getting used to a new medicine. Aarrrgh. On top of that, we had a tree that needed to be cut down next to the house and all the chaos that brings. Throw in a plumbing disaster and the time just flies. Aaron is justifiably busy with a new baby girl last week. Paul is prepping for baby #2 coming in August. The whole crew are thrilled for them!
We are making progress. It is getting exciting (finally!) to see some results after all the design, fabrication and modifications to the airframe. Currently, the plane is up on jacks and stable. Will be great to see her back on her gear and out on the flight-line for testing again. More videos coming!